Services & Policies

John J. Wright Library has a total of 28 computers for student use. Ask library staff about laptops.
Computer access for the public:
Our computers are open access to all. For public patrons, you must sign our Guest Computer Form and give the library staff your valid PA Driver's License for verification of identity. Library Staff are the only ones who have the authority to log in guests at computers.
Wi-Fi is available for only students, staff, and faculty.
Wright Library Resources – Computer Policies
- Library resources are managed and monitored by the Office of Information Technology in conjunction with the Director of Wright Library and/or the Director of Information Technology.
- Use of such resources is restricted to students currently enrolled at La Roche. Any exceptions must be previously approved by the Director of John J. Wright Library.
- Use of such resources is restricted to research of an academic nature.
- Alteration of library computers by students is strictly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to, installation of software, altering the desktop picture/settings, deletion of software or system files, alteration of control panel settings, network, etc.
- Disabling, or attempts to disable security and/or monitoring software/hardware is strictly forbidden.
- The Office of Information Technology and Staff of John J. Wright Library reserves the right to inspect any form of removable media which is suspect and believed to have been used in these labs.
Printing and Copying:
10¢ per page for black & white and 25¢ per page for color.
In order to print, students must have money on their Papercut account. Students who need to print must log in to their account, using their user name and password.
Printing and Copying for the Public:
Non- La Roche students will purchase printing and copying services from library staff. Printing and copying prices are listed above.
Maximum Number of Books/Multimedia:
Students: 10 items (of all types) can be checked out at a time. Students are not to have over 10 items at a time on their account. Please refer to library staff for any exceptions. Borrowing is suspended if a student has $20 or more in fines.
Faculty: Faculty can checkout up to 100 books at a time, and renew up to 8 times per book. Faculty must still follow the checkout policies and not exceed the overdue fine of $25. If overdue items reach the max fine of $25, we ask that the faculty member pay the fine or checkout privilege will be suspended.
Staff: Staff can checkout up to 10 books at a time, and renew up to 3 times per book. Staff must still follow the checkout policies and not exceed the overdue fine of $25. If overdue items reach the fine of $25, we ask that the staff member pay the fine or checkout privilege will be suspended.
Checking out items for the public:
10 items (not including: game consoles, IPads, and laptops) at a time on your account. In order to check out library materials, you must first purchase a library card for $5.00. Library cards are sold at the front desk of the library.
Must have PA Driver's license or PA State ID to purchase library card.
Lifelong Learners (
If you are a participant in the Lifelong Learning program, you can receive a free library card. Participants will have the same privileges as the public.
Loan Period for Books:
General circulation: 3 weeks
Reference books: some reference books can not be checked out, and some can be checked out for up to 1 day.
Reserves: Textbooks can only be checked out for 2 hours, and cannot leave the library. Permanent reserves can be checked out for 1-3 days.
To renew books, login to your account. The "login" feature is found on the top of the website.
Borrowers can have 3 renewals of circulating books for a total checkout time of 12 weeks. Wright Library and EZBorrow rbook enewals can be done online by viewing your patron record here, by calling 412-536-1063, or in person.
Interlibrary Loan renewals must be authorized by the lending library. Please contact to request renewals for ILL items.
These renewals are at the discretion of the library staff.
Overdue Fines:
10¢ per day for books
$1 per day for reference materials and permanent reserves.
Damaged or Lost Material:
Library materials are lent with the expectation that users will return them in the same condition as they received them. Damages to library materials include: pencil/ink notations and underlining, highlighting, water damage, food stains, torn pages, broken spines, etc. Library staff will note any conditions already affecting items at the time of the lending transaction. If library materials are returned with any damages not previously accounted for, replacement fees will be charged to the current borrower.
Likewise, if a borrower loses any library materials, then replacement fees will be assessed. The borrower may or may not be able to provide a replacement copy at the discretion of the Library Director.
Replacement fees are assessed based upon the current market cost to replace the item. In addition to the replacement fee, the borrower is assessed two additional fees: a $5 billing fee and a $5 processing fee.
Our reserve items are the following:
Course reserves / textbooks
Loan period: 2 hours and cannot leave the library
Overdue Fine: 50¢ per hour
If textbook is taken out of the library, student will automatically receive a $50 fine included with the overdue fine.
Also, security will be notified as this will then be considered theft.
Loan Period: 3 days
Overdue Fine: $1 per day late
Loan period: Checkout for 2 weeks, but can be loaned until the end of semester.
Overdue Fine: $20.00 per hour
Before checking out a laptop, you will be required to sign a Laptop Agreement Form.
Click Laptop policies for more policies.
Loan Period: 3 days
Overdue Fine: $20.00 per day
Before checking out an IPad, you will be required to sign a IPad Agreement Form.
Click Ipad policies for more policies.
Borrowing is suspended if a student has $20 or more in fines.
Must have Student ID to checkout any Library Items.
Damaged or Lost Material:
Library materials are lent with the expectation that users will return them in the same condition as they received them. Damages to library materials include: pencil/ink notations and underlining, highlighting, water damage, food stains, torn pages, broken spines, etc. Library staff will note any conditions already affecting items at the time of the lending transaction. If library materials are returned with any damages not previously accounted for, replacement fees will be charged to the current borrower.
Likewise, if a borrower loses any library materials, then replacement fees will be assessed. The borrower may or may not be able to provide a replacement copy at the discretion of the Library.
Replacement fees are assessed based upon the current market cost to replace the item. If the Library cannot determine an appropriate replacement fee, then the default fee will be $55. In addition to the replacement fee, the borrower is assessed two additional fees: a $25 billing fee and a $25 processing fee. Generally, all outstanding fees must be fully cleared for students, faculty, and staff to continue borrowing items from the Library.
Other Circulating Material (non-books):
Multimedia (DVDs/CDs)
Loan Period: 3 weeks
Overdue Fine: $1 per day late
Board games and Puzzles
Loan Period: 3 weeks
Overdue Fine: $1 per day late
Video games
Loan Period: 3 weeks
Overdue Fine: $1 per day late
Video game consoles
Loan Period: 3 weeks
Overdue Fine: $20.00 per day late
Before checking out any game console, you will be required to sign a Agreement Form
Click game console policies for more policies.
Maximum Number Multimedia check out at a time: 10 (can also be combined with books)
Borrowing is suspended if a student has $20 or more in fines.
Must have Student ID to checkout any Library Items.
This policy applies to all La Roche University community members: students, faculty, staff, and Sisters of Divine Providence
All matters go directly to Caroline Horgan,
- Incoming materials are held for two weeks from the date of arrival.
- EZBORROW books have a loan period of three weeks and up to three renewals. Renewals can be requested on the library home page under Book Renewal on the day the book is due. For renewals prior to or after the due date, call 412-536-1063 or stop at the checkout desk.
- Renewal requests for INTERLIBRARY LOAN materials must be sent to on or before the due date. La Roche University is subject to the lender’s renewal policy.
- A $1.00 fee will be charged for a lost blue or white book band. A $1.00 fee will be charged for a lost temporary barcode (pink card).
- Loans that arrive damaged will include a Condition Note that indicates water damage, highlighting, pencil/ink marks, etc. If a Condition Note is not included, the borrower will assume responsibility for any marks or damage to the book when it is returned to the John J. Wright Library, and the owning library will determine if a replacement charge is necessary. Please be aware that replacement copies are not accepted by all lenders. Contact Caroline Horgan regarding lender policies before purchasing a replacement book. Note that there may be additional charges for billing and processing.
- INTERLIBRARY LOAN ARTICLES – Most articles are delivered electronically and are free of charge. If there is a charge, you will be notified and will have the option to accept or decline. Articles with a charge will be delivered to you upon receipt of payment. Cash or check payable to La Roche University will be accepted at the circulation desk, or mail your check to: La Roche, John J. Wright Library ILL, 9000 Babcock Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15237.
- Articles are sent via email with a pdf attachment or with a link and password. Articles with a link and password expire after 30 days and may be viewed up to five times.
- The use of EZBORROW and INTERLIBRARY LOAN is not extended to Special Borrowers (alumni, clergy/religious, Lifelong Learners and general public).
Library's Collection Development Policies
John J. Wright Library will purchase new library materials each academic year, by taking the following in consideration:
- Faculty Suggestions – Based on their expertise of the curriculum. They have the right to suggest materials that they want students to read or view, and materials they need for their professional development, research. They have the right to suggest special interest topic materials as well.
- Syllabi – Library will request to receive selective syllabi throughout the campus and will decide what books to purchase based on course requirements.
- Reference Desk questions – Reference librarian will request to have books purchased based on reference questions received.
- Librarian’s choice – All library staff will make recommendations.
- EZBorrow / ILL – Book purchases may be made based on constant request of a title through our book request services.
- Student Suggestions - Students have a voice when it comes to what materials they want. They can suggest materials to better assist with research, and/or special interest topics. This does not exclude novels, including popular fiction, contemporary nonfiction, tabletop/video games, etc.
All of these requests are considered, but the acquisition decision is based on the budget, library collection need (prioritization), and other criteria as necessary.
John J. Wright Library appreciates the thoughtfulness of its patrons who donate a variety of print and media materials to the library. Gift materials are accepted with the understanding that ownership passes to the library. The library reserves the right to transfer items to the library’s collection, book sale, book giveaway, book donation, and discard or recycle materials as necessary. Monies accrued from the sale of items will directly benefit the library.
We accept all print and audio books, maps, table top games, digital files, video games, and movies. However, all donations are accepted with the understanding that the library selectively adds donations to its collection. John J. Wright Library will consider adding donations to its collection based on several factors, some include the condition and relevance to the university’s curriculum.
For All donations, you must first fill out and sign our Deed of Gift form which is given to library staff along with your donations.
Due to limited parking, patrons (non-La Roche affiliate / public) can only use the Library on Fridays and Saturdays: 8:30am - 4:30pm; Sundays: 1:00pm - 12:00am
Students have priority to all available library services, including use of computers and study spaces.
Accessing the Library:
To have access to the library as a public patron (non-student, staff, faculty, or lifelong learners of La Roche), you must do the following:
- Purchase a John J. Wright Library Card at the front desk.
- Or contact Library Director by phone or email (412-536-1059 or, explaining your reasoning for visiting the library, and how often you plan to use the library.
- Once approved by Library Director, you must check-in with public safety to receive your daily parking pass.
*This is only during our academic year due to limited space. During the summer, all public patrons are welcome to use the library. However, you must still stop by public safety to get a parking pass and students will always have priority.
Must be over the age of 18 to be permitted in our academic library.
You must go to the front desk and ask for wifi information
Computer access for the public:
You must sign our Guest Computer Form and give the library staff your valid PA Driver's License for verification of identity. Library Staff are the only ones who have the authority to log in guests at computers.
Checking out items for the public:
10 items (not including: game consoles, IPads, and laptops) at a time on your account. The loan period is 3 weeks, and you are welcome to contact the library to request a renewal.
Cost for library card:
General Public and Alumni: $5 each and must pay $5 to renew card annually.
Lifelong Learners, Clergy / Religious, and Millitary: free
Must have PA Driver's license or PA State ID to purchase library card; must have Millitary ID card as proof.
Library cards are sold at the front desk of the library
Printing and Copying for the Public:
Non- La Roche students will purchase printing and copying services from library staff. Printing and copying prices: 10¢ per page for black & white and 25¢ per page for color.
Lifelong Learners (
If you are a participant in the Lifelong Learning program, you can receive a free library card. Participants will have the same privileges as the public.