Nursing Journals

AANA Journal (American Association of Nurse Anesthetists)
Founded in 1931, the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) is the professional association representing nearly 53,000 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) and student registered nurse anesthetists nationwide. The AANA promulgates education and practice standards and guidelines, and affords consultation to both private and governmental entities regarding nurse anesthetists and their practice.
Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal
Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal is a peer-reviewed journal designed to meet the needs of advanced practice clinicians, clinical nurse specialists, nurse practitioners, healthcare professionals, and clinical and academic educators in emergency nursing. Articles contain evidence- based material that can be applied to daily practice. Continuing Education opportunities are available in each issue. Feature articles focus on in-depth, state of the science content relevant to advanced practice nurses and experienced clinicians in emergency care.
Advances in Neonatal Care
This exciting full-color journal is dedicated to improving the outcomes of infants and their families. As the official journal of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, Advances in Neonatal Care presents scientifically sound, clinically relevant articles focusing on the interdisciplinary aspects of care. A rich variety of thought-provoking articles and features not only keep readers up-to-date on this challenging and rapidly changing field, but also promote new approaches to controversial issues.
Advances in Nursing Science (ANS)
Consistently ranked as one of the most-read and most assigned journals by faculties of doctoral programs in nursing, Advances in Nursing Science (ANS) is the most stimulating publication in nursing science and education today. ANS is intellectually challenging, yet readable; innovative, yet scientifically sound; reliable research without the tedious, traditional hard science approach found in so many other journals. Each issue features a single timely research topic with exciting implications for patient care. Articles in ANS are peer-reviewed and chosen for their pioneering approaches and perspectives, which set the direction for nursing practice today.
Advances in Skin and Wound Care
A monthly journal, Advances in Skin and Wound Care will focus on presenting new clinical research developments and providing practical information to help skin and wound care professionals better manage their clinical practice and make informed patient care decisions.
American Journal of Nursing
AJN is the oldest and largest circulating nursing journal in the world. The Journal's mission is to promote excellence in professional nursing, with a global perspective, by providing cutting edge, evidence-based information that embraces a holistic perspective on health and nursing.
AORN Journal (Association of periOperative Registered Nurses) - OPEN ACCESS ONLY
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The AORN Journal provides professional perioperative registered nurses with evidence-based practice information needed to help meet the physiological, behavioral, safety, and health system needs of a diverse patient population.
Cancer Nursing
Each bimonthly issue of Cancer NursingTM addresses the whole spectrum of problems arising in the care and support of cancer patients - prevention and early detection, geriatric and pediatric cancer nursing, medical and surgical oncology, ambulatory care, nutritional support, psychosocial aspects of cancer, patient responses to all treatment modalities, and specific nursing interventions. The journal offers unparalleled coverage of cancer care delivery practices worldwide and of groundbreaking research findings and their practical applications. A continuing education program is available in every issue. Cancer NursingTM is the official publication of The International Society of Nurses in Cancer CareTM.
Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
Clinical Nurse Specialist addresses the practice of clinical nurse specialists in diagnosis and treatment to prevent, remediate, or alleviate illness/suffering and promote health within defined populations -- regardless of specialty. From shaping the role of the clinical nurse specialist to examining new methods of cost-effectiveness, Clinical Nurse Specialist spans the field with original articles of the highest caliber. Special sections include pharmacology consult, entrepreneurship, technology for practice, books-at-a-glance, and legislative/regulatory updates. And now, readers can use this journal as a convenient means of acquiring CE contact hours in the following areas: research ethics, AIDS, child and adolescent psychiatry, computers, and critical care.
Clinical Nursing Research - OPEN ACCESS ONLY
Clinical Nursing Research (CNR) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal that addresses issues of clinical research that are meaningful to practicing nurses, providing an international forum to encourage discussion among clinical practitioners, enhance clinical practice by pinpointing potential clinical applications of the latest scholarly research, and disseminate research findings of particular interest to practicing nurses.
Computers, Informatics, Nursing (CIN)
CIN's ongoing mission to keep you in touch with the latest technological advances so critical to your success as a nursing professional. As always, CIN's focus will be to bring the sciences of computers, information, and nursing together in every issue. CIN covers the application of computer technology to contemporary nursing practice, explaining the "how-to" and "why" at each step of the way. From the computer novice to experienced user, CIN offers a complete package that delivers realistic solutions. Readers discover how to use technology to save time and money, increase productivity, and improve communication. Continuing education contact hours are available in every issue.
Critical Care Nursing Quarterly
Critical Care Nursing Quarterly is a topical journal with a long-standing track record of excellence. CCNQ is a peer-reviewed journal that provides current practice-oriented information for the continuing education and improved clinical practice of critical care professionals, including nurses, physicians, and allied health care professionals.
Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing (DCCN)
This timely journal provides in-depth articles for critical care nurses, CCRNs, nurse educators, managers, and clinical nurse specialists and focuses on the three major roles - or dimensions - of today's critical care nurse: practitioner, leader, and educator. The journal also publishes original nursing research. Each bimonthly issue offers these highly respected nurses a forum to exchange information with colleagues, review applications of current research, and discuss relevant legal and ethical issues.
Family & Community Health
Family & Community Health is a PEER-REVIEWED journal that provides practical information that addresses the common goals of health care practitioners, regardless of area of practice, in teaching the essentials of self-care, family and community health care, and health promotion and maintenance.
Gastroenterology Nursing
Cover to cover, Gastroenterology Nursing delivers the information nurses need to stay ahead in this specialty. The journal keeps gastroenterology nurses and associates informed of the latest developments in techniques, equipment, diagnostics, and therapy. The only professional nursing journal covering this area, Gastroenterology Nursing is an invaluable resource for current SGNA guidelines, new GI procedures, pharmacology, career development, and certification review. Its lively editorial style and illustrations make the journal a pleasure to read and consult.
Health Care Management Review
Health Care Management REVIEW (HCMR) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal that addresses the full range of challenges and concerns that busy health care academics and executives face every day, and provides the latest developments in the health care field. Written by high-profile authors and guided by a prestigious Editorial Board, HCMR presents in-depth analysis and solutions in a reader-friendly format. The journal features multidisciplinary content that applies theoretical frameworks and principles to health services management and practice. Topics include new developments, practical solutions, and insightful analyses in finance, marketing, labor relations, cost containment, quality assurance, planning, computers and technology, staff recruitment, pay and benefits, and much more.
Holistic Nursing Practice
Holistic Nursing Practice (HNP), The Science of Health and Healing, is a peer-reviewed bimonthly journal that explores holistic models of nursing practice. Content emphasizes complementary traditional and holistic nursing and health care practices. Articles include theory-based interventions and their outcomes, including: innovations in holistic nursing practice; research related to holistic nursing practice, health care, and policy; and values and ethical-legal issues related to holistic nursing practices. The holistic approach is a worldview that emphasizes the potential for health and healing in human systems rather than on disease process and deficit.
Home Healthcare Now
Home Healthcare Now is the professional, contemporary journal serving the educational and communication needs of home care and hospice nurses. The journal is highly interactive and timely, focusing on the multidimensional, interdisciplinary and specialty practice areas of home care nursing. Clinical, operational, and educational home care nursing issues are the core of the publication; plentiful columns and features focus on practical, up-to-date approaches to everyday situations, as well as analysis and interpretation of how healthcare trends affect the home care nurse's practice.
International Journal of Aging and Human Development - OPEN ACCESS ONLY
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The International Journal of Aging and Human Development places emphasis upon psychological and social studies of aging and the aged. However, the Journal also publishes research that introduces observations from other fields that illuminate the "human" side of gerontology, or utilizes gerontological observations to illuminate in other fields.
International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare
The International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare is a fully refereed journal that publishes original scholarly work from the international Joanna Briggs Institute and Collaboration. The Institute aims to advance the international understanding and development of evidence-based practice in multidisciplinary healthcare, including nursing, midwifery, nutrition and dietetics, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, complimentary therapy, medical radiation and podiatry. From 2006, the International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare incorporates Evidence in Health Care Reports, previously published by the Joanna Briggs Institute, and will be published four times per year. The journal publishes systematic reviews and scholarly papers relating to evidence translation, transfer and utilisation from the Joanna Briggs Institute and its international Collaboration as well as from submitting authors. All manuscripts are blind peer reviewed.
International Nursing Review - OPEN ACCESS ONLY
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International Nursing Review (INR) is the official journal of the International Council of Nurses (ICN). It is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that focuses predominantly on nursing and health policy issues of relevance to nurses.
JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports is a refereed online journal that publishes systematic review protocols and systematic reviews of healthcare research following the JBI methodology and undertaken by the Joanna Briggs Institute and its international collaborating centres and groups. These reviews may be of quantitative or qualitative research data, text and/or opinion, relate to economic data or combinations of the above. The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports also publishes the Institute's implementation reports that present the findings of projects that seek to implement the best available evidence into practice. Our content is indexed in MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus, Mosby?s Index (Elsevier) and CINAHL (EBSCO).
Journal for Nurses in Professional Development
Journal for Nurses in Professional Development is the only peer-reviewed journal by and for staff development specialists. Original articles focus on issues that impact staff development, as well as the latest innovations in education, research and technology, providing ideas and proven programs these professionals can implement immediately. It is the complete and current staff development resource. Includes book and media reviews.
Journal of Addictions Nursing
The Journal of Addictions Nursing (JAN), the official journal of the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA), is a peer reviewed quarterly international journal publishing original articles on current research, issues, practices and innovations as they relate to the field of addictions. Submissions are solicited from professional nurses and other healthcare professionals engaged in treatment, prevention, education, research, and consultation.
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
Official journal of the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association, Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing is one of the leading journals for advanced practice nurses in cardiovascular care, providing thorough coverage of timely topics and information that is extremely practical for daily, on-the-job use. Each issue addresses the physiologic, psychologic, and social needs of cardiovascular patients and their families in a variety of environments. Regular columns include By the Bedside, Progess in Prevention, Pharmacology, Dysrhythmias, and Outcomes Research.
Journal of Christian Nursing
Journal of Christian Nursing is a peer-reviewed, quarterly, professional journal helping nurses integrate issues of faith with nursing practice and sustain excellence in nursing care since 1984. Our mission is to help nurses and nursing students practice from a biblically-based, Christian perspective. JCN offers relevant peer-reviewed clinical and professional information, including original research, on: current issues and trends, spirituality and spiritual care, ethics, values, healing and wholeness, faith community nursing, healthcare missions, nursing education, personal growth and self-care, health care for the poor and disenfranchised, and nursing care experiences which promote excellence and encourage nurses.
Journal of Forensic Nursing
The Journal of Forensic Nursing (JFN), the official journal of the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN), is a groundbreaking publication that addresses health care issues that transcend health and legal systems by articulating nursing?s response to violence and trauma. The journal features empirical studies, review and theoretical articles, methodological and concept papers, and case reports that address the provision of nursing care to victims and perpetrators of violence, trauma, and abuse. The journal's objective is to publish scholarly manuscripts and to expand empirical evidence important to the practice of forensic nursing worldwide. Topics representing the diversity of the specialty are of interest and include, but are not limited to, interpersonal violence (sexual assault, abuse, intimate partner violence); death investigation; legal and ethical issues; forensic mental health; issues unique to corrections, and emergency and trauma nursing. Submissions from nursing and related disciplines are encouraged.
Journal of Healthcare Management
The Journal of Healthcare Management (formerly Hospital & Health Services Administration) is the official journal of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Published six times per year, JHM presents cutting-edge healthcare management research in a concise, reader-friendly format that practitioners, educators, and researchers will find useful. JHM also contains regular columns written by leaders in the field that discuss timely topics such as leadership and managed care. Issues also contain interviews, case studies, and book reviews.
Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law
A leading journal in its field, and the primary source of communication across the many disciplines it serves, the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law focuses on the initiation, formulation, and implementation of health policy and analyzes the relations between government and health—past, present, and future.
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing (JHPN)
Cover to cover, Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing is the professional, peer-reviewed journal for nurses in hospice and palliative care settings. Focusing on the clinical, educational and research aspects of care, JHPN offers current and reliable information on end of life nursing. Feature articles in areas such as symptom management, ethics, and futility of care address holistic care across the continuum.
Journal of Infusion Nursing
Journal of Infusion Nursing, official Publication of the Infusion Nurses Society, is the only journal focusing exclusively on the practice of infusion therapy. Original articles provide the latest information on upgrading and implementing nursing skills and utilizing the latest equipment and techniques. Practical solutions, protocols and problem-solving in areas of med-surg, critical care, oncology nursing and homecare are presented in a readable format to help infusion nurses meet the increasing demands of their profession. This journal benefits all nurses involved in the delivery of infusion therapy.
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing
JNNPublished bimonthly, the Journal of Neuroscience Nursing (JNN), the official journal of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, contains original articles on advances in neurosurgical and neurological techniques as they affect nursing procedures, and commentary on the role of the neuroscience nurse in the healthcare team. JNN is distributed to AANN members and subscribers for a total circulation of more than 5,400. The Journal is a reference material maintained and bound yearly by hospitals, libraries and universities for use and reuse by persons in all areas of the medical field.
Journal of Nursing Administration
JONA is the authoritative source of information on developments and advances in patient care leadership. Content is geared to nurse executives, directors of nursing, and nurse managers in hospital, community health, and ambulatory care environments. Practical, solution-oriented articles provide the tools to excel in our changing health care system: leadership development; human, material, and financial resource management; staffing and scheduling systems. All articles are peer-reviewed, selected and developed with the guidance of a distinguished group of editorial advisors.
Journal of Nursing Care Quality
The fundamental purpose of the Journal of Nursing Care Quality (JNCQ) is to keep practicing nurses and those who play leadership roles in nursing care quality programs fully current on the utilization of quality principles and concepts in the practice setting. JNCQ explores the many different issues and challenges that nursing leaders face, and offers cutting-edge examples and case studies, how-to features on the latest innovations, and proven quality care strategies and solutions.
Journal of Patient Safety
The Journal of Patient Safety, an academic, peer-reviewed journal, is a new venue dedicated to both rigorous research and field application articles covering to all areas of patient safety and quality health care.
Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing
Practical, comprehensive, up-to-date, and reliable information from top clinicians in perinatal and neonatal nursing makes the Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing a comprehensive resource for nurses and students.
Journal of the Dermatology Nurses Association
JDNA offers features such as clinical snapshots, patient perspective pieces, a product review section, a legal forum, health policy and advocacy articles, nursing research studies, and rotating topical columns on a variety of dermatology nursing related issues including cutaneous oncology, cosmetics, and surgical dermatology, to name a few. The Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association (JDNA) is published six times per year.
Journal of Trauma Nursing
The Journal of Trauma Nursing (JTN) is the official journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses. JTN provides original articles and information that reflect the practice of trauma nursing in the areas of clinical practice, education, health policy and administration, and research. The journal also focuses on innovations, trends, and important issues that have an impact on the trauma patient and trauma nursing. JTN is intended for all professionals across the continuum of care, from first responders through rehabilitation.
Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing
Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing is the official publication of the Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Society (WOCN). This international journal provides continuing education for the entire scope of ET/WOC nursing practice. Journal of Wound, Ostomy Continence Nursing is an authoritative resource devoted to the nursing care and management of patients with abdominal stomas, wounds, pressure ulcers, fistulas, vascular ulcers, and incontinence. Original, peer-reviewed articles examine these topics in hospital, home and long-term care settings.
MCN: American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing
MCN's mission is to provide the most timely, relevant information to nurses practicing in perinatal, neonatal, midwifery, and pediatric specialties. MCN is a peer-reviewed journal that meets its mission by publishing clinically relevant practice and research manuscripts aimed at assisting nurses toward evidence-based practice. MCN focuses on today's major issues and high priority problems in maternal/child nursing, women's health, and family nursing with extensive coverage of advanced practice healthcare issues relating to infants and young children. Each issue features peer-reviewed, clinically relevant articles. Coverage includes updates on disease and related care; ideas on health promotion; insights into patient and family behavior; discoveries in physiology and pathophysiology; clinical investigations; and research manuscripts that assist nurses toward evidence-based practices.
Nurse Educator
Nurse Educator helps readers develop results-oriented approaches for educating students in our changing health-care system. Nursing faculty members as well as in-service educators turn to this respected resource for developments and innovations in nursing education. Original articles cover the practice and theory of nursing education, including curriculum and program development, educational philosophy, teaching methods, instructional materials, testing and measurement, and administration. Peer-reviewed articles outline the trends that are shaping the future of nursing education and provide practical guidance on current issues.
Nurse Practitioner
With a circulation of 27,000, The Nurse Practitioner is the leading monthly source for clinical, practical, cutting-edge information for advanced practice nurses and other primary care clinicians. Each issue presents peer-reviewed articles that range from clinical topics and research to political and practice issues. In addition, The The Nurse Practitioner provides regular features, columns, continuing education, staff development education, and more.
A monthly publication, Nursing is the journal of choice among practicing nurses. Known for its easy-to-read style and commitment to quality, it keeps nurses up-to-date on peer-reviewed evidence-based practice about key clinical topics, including cardiac and respiratory care, new drugs, new treatments, and nursing techniques. Clinical illustrations, photographs, and charts help clarify complex clinical concepts. The journal also covers legal and ethical issues, professional trends and controversies as well as stories written by nurses about their most memorable professional experiences. The comprehensive department lineup reveals the journal’s broad coverage of clinical, non-clinical, professional, and human-interest content: Medication Errors, Controlling Pain, Infection Control, Doing It Better (Putting Research Into Practice), Wound Care, I.V. Rounds, Advice p.r.n., Ethical Problems, Legal Questions, Clinical Dos and Don'ts, My Most Unforgettable Patient, and Sharing. Two continuing-education features are offered each month in print and online.
Nursing Administration Quarterly
Relied upon by nurse executives for more than 20 years, Nursing Administration Quarterly (NAQ) is the management tool you need to thrive in today's turbulent health care environment. With NAQ, you'll get advice from leading nurse executives and well- known authors; discover cutting-edge management and caregiving trends; find solutions to your most difficult administrative challenges; have the best resources for real-world case management guidance at your fingertips; and gain strategies and tools to enhance your leadership skills. Each issue focuses on a selected aspect of nursing administration that offers new opportunities for patient-care and institutional leadership in today's fast-evolving health care setting.
Nursing Critical Care
Nursing Critical Care: The Journal for Excellence in Critical Care Nursing addresses the information needs of the busy critical care nurse. Straightforward content digests clinical practice breakthroughs and complex research findings, and offers quick-response assessments and interventions that reflect the latest critical care standards. The journal reports news in critical care nursing with the same urgency that nurses use to respond to patients in their fast–paced environment. Wherever nurses care for patients—the ICU, CCU, cath lab, PACU, telemetry, progressive, or transitional care—each bimonthly issue of Nursing Critical Care offers vital information on topics that boost readers' assessment and intervention skills to the next level. The journal offers continuing education articles and features on such hot topics as BIS monitoring outside the ER, coronary reperfusion using drug-eluting stents, recognition and treatment of acute lung injury, and treating severe sepsis. Departments discuss new medications, the latest ACLS guidelines, trends in pediatric care, topics in telemetry, and more.
Nursing Education Perspectives
Nursing Education Perspectives, the official publication of the National League for Nursing, provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas regarding nursing education, faculty issues, and the design, implementation, and evaluation of innovative programs. Its mission is to promote the mission of the NLN and serve as a means by which the organization can advance quality nursing education that prepares the nursing workforce to meet the needs of diverse populations in an ever-changing health care environment.
Nursing Made Incredibly Easy
Smart, funny, but always clinically relevant, Nursing made Incredibly Easy! demonstrates that nurses can laugh while they learn. This first-of-a-kind, new journal already has wide readership and extremely high acceptance among practicing nurses and student nurses. With the help of a cast of characters–led by Nurse Joy–the journal navigates the most difficult and complex clinical concepts, breaking them into simpler, clearly explained components that don’t leave the nurse wondering, "What did that mean? "This unique journal entertains and enlightens while paying close attention to the learning process, offering tips for improving recall, highlighting must-know information, and testing learning in a nonthreatening way. Based on the popular Incredibly Easy! book series, Nursing made Incredibly Easy! is dedicated to the "get the gain of learning, but without the pain" approach to teaching or reinforcing important clinical skills and concepts.
Nursing Management
With a circulation of 80,000, Nursing Management is the leading monthly source for practical, educational, cutting-edge information for nurse leaders. Each issue presents peer-reviewed articles that range from legal and ethical aspects of nursing leadership to personnel management, recruitment and retention, budget issues, product selection, and quality control. In addition, Nursing Management provides regular features, columns, continuing education, staff development education, and more.
Nursing Research
Nursing Research, the journal celebrating 50 years as the most sought-after nursing resource, offers more depth, more detail, more of what today's nurses demand. Nursing Research covers key issues, including health promotion, human responses to illness, acute care nursing research, symptom management, cost-effectiveness, vulnerable populations, health services, and community-based nursing studies. Each issue highlights the latest research techniques, quantitative and qualitative studies, and new state-of-the-art methodological strategies, including information not yet found in textbooks. Expert commentaries and briefs are also included.
Nursing Science Quarterly - OPEN ACCESS ONLY
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Nursing Science Quarterly (NSQ) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal devoted to the enhancement of nursing knowledge. The journal publishes original manuscripts focusing on nursing theory development and guided practice, and quantitative and qualitative research related to existing nursing frameworks. NSQ also publishes innovative ideas related to nursing science and person centered models of care.
Nursing Times
Nursing Times is the largest nursing website outside of the US. The title provides both nursing news and clinical subject articles; it hosts an opinion section where nurses can debate current issues; features on nursing issues and clinical supplements. In addition to news and opinion, it contains a clinical archive of over 5,000 double-blind peer reviewed articles on all aspects of nursing.
Nutrition Today
Nutrition Today helps nutrition professionals clear a pathway through today's maze of fad diets and cure-all claims. An established journal, it publishes articles by leading nutritionists and scientists who endorse scientifically sound food, diet, and nutritional practices. Lively, informative articles cover the most current and controversial topics, such as the role of dietary fiber in cancer, as well as news about people, meetings, and other events that affect the field.
Omega: Journal of Death and Dying - OPEN ACCESS ONLY
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Drawing significant contributions from the fields of psychology, sociology, medicine, anthropology, law, education, history and literature, OMEGA has emerged as the most advanced and internationally recognized forum on the subject of death and dying. It serves as a reliable guide for clinicians, social workers, and health professionals who must deal with problems in crisis management, e.g., terminal illness, fatal accidents, catastrophe, suicide and bereavement.
Orthopaedic Nursing
Orthopaedic Nursing, an international journal providing continuing education for orthopaedic nurses, focuses on a wide variety of clinical settings–hospital unit, physician's office, ambulatory care centers, emergency room, operating room, rehabilitation facility, community service programs, the client's home, and others. It provides departmental sections on current events, organizational activities, research, product and drug information, and literature findings. Articles reflect a commitment to professional development and the nursing profession as well as clinical, administrative, academic, and research areas of the orthopaedic specialty.
Oxford Academic (Medical and Health) - OPEN ACCESS
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This directs to the Oxford Academic database with the focus of Medical and Health. Must select the "All content I have access to" option to view over 100,000 articles.
Plastic Surgical Nursing
Plastic Surgical Nursing, the official journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgical Nurses (ASPSN), presents the latest advances in plastic and reconstructive surgical nursing practice. Written by and for plastic surgical nurses, Plastic Surgical NUrsing features clinical articles covering a wide variety of surgical procedures. Patient education techniques and research findings are also included, as well as articles discussing the ethical issues and trends in this expanding clinical nursing specialty.
Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice - OPEN ACCESS ONLY
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Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice (PPNP) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that explores the multiple relationships between nursing and health policy. PPNP serves as a major source of data-based study, policy analysis and discussion on timely, relevant policy issues for nurses in a broad variety of roles and settings, and for others who are interested in nursing-related policy issues.
Professional Case Management
The Official Journal of the Case Management Society of America, Professional Case Management (PCM) is a peer-reviewed, progressive journal that crosses all case management settings. PCM uses evidence-based articles to foster the exchange of ideas, elevate the standard of practice, and improve the quality of patient care.
Quarterly Review of Biology - OPEN ACCESS
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The premier review journal in biology, The Quarterly Review of Biology has presented insightful historical, philosophical, and technical treatments of important biological topics since 1926. The QRB publishes outstanding review articles of generous length that are guided by an expansive, inclusive, and often humanistic understanding of biology. Beyond the core biological sciences, the QRB is also an important review journal for scholars in related areas, which include policy studies and the history and philosophy of science. A comprehensive section of reviews on new biological books provides educators and researchers alike with information on the latest publications in the life sciences.
Rehabilitation Nursing
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Western Journal of Nursing Research - OPEN ACCESS ONLY
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For the latest studies on nursing research, turn to the Western Journal of Nursing Research, an international periodical that's ranked among the top nursing research journals. Since its inception more than three decades ago, the Western Journal of Nursing Research has risen to the challenges of the ever-changing nursing research field, providing an innovative forum for nurse researchers, students and clinical practitioners to participate in ongoing scholarly dialogue.