LibGuide for Interior Architecture & Design and Film Programs

List of Books on Interior Architecture & Design (including Reference; over 1,300 books) Books can be checked out in the library
List of eBooks on Design (Almost 5,000 eBooks on Design)
List of eBooks on Interior Architecture (Close to 150 eBooks on Interior Architecture)
List of Books of Film (including Reference; a little over 450 books) Books can be checked out in the library
List of eBooks of Film (Over 3,500 eBooks on Design)
List of eBooks of Media (Over 4,700 eBooks on Media)
Textbooks can only be checked out for 2 hours, and cannot leave the library
Understanding Architecture | BOOK | CZAR |
A History of Interior Design | BOOK | CZAR |
Art: A Brief History | BOOK | HOFFMAN |
History of Graphic Design | BOOK | HOFFMAN |
History of Modern Art | BOOK | HOFFMAN |
Architect's Square Foot Costbook 2018 Edition | BOOK | KAMPHAUS |
Interiors Square Foot Costbook 2018 Edition | BOOK | KAMPHAUS |
Square Foot Costbook 2018 Edition | BOOK | KAMPHAUS |
Guidance on the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design | BOOK | KAMPHAUS |
The Interior Designer's Launch Pad (3 copies) | BOOK | KAMPHAUS |
The Codes Guidebook for Interiors | BOOK | KAMPHAUS |
Green Building Materials | BOOK | KAMPHAUS |
Environmental Psychology for Design | BOOK | KAMPHAUS |
The Interior Plan | BOOK | KIRKPATRICK |
Interior Construction & Detailing For Designers and Architects | BOOK | SHEFFLER |
Photography The Definitive Visual History | BOOK | SNYDER |
500 Cameras | BOOK | SNYDER |
- Abitare (unitl 2024)
- Architect – The AIA Magazine (until 2023)
- Architectural Digest (until 2023)
- Architectural Record (until 2023)
- Architectural Review (until 2023)
- Communication Arts (until 2024)
- Design Solutions (until 2021)
- Hospitality Design (until 2024)
- Interior Design (until 2024)
- Interiors and Sources (until 2020)
- Journal of Interior Design (until 2017)
- Metropolis (until 2024)
- Novum / PAGE (until 2021)
- *Graphic Arts Monthly – Archives
- *Window Fashion Vision – Archives